Dec. 31, 2015
Standing on the shoulders of giants is what I do at Nourish Balance Thrive, and none more giant (figuratively!) than strength and conditioning coach, author and speaker Jason Seib. I’ve been listening to Jason and Sarah Fragoso’s Everyday Paleo podcast (now renamed JASSAFIT) since my earliest days eating a paleo diet, and I still find their wisdom and practical advice helpful both personally and professionally. If you head over to his website and sign up for Jason’s list, he’ll send you the instructions I’ve been using in my practice called The Fat Loss Directive.
Like all good solutions, the new AltShift diet scratches a personal itch. Jason’s wife Sheryl was unable to shake off the baby fat despite eating a nutrient dense paleo diet and so Jason recommended, as always, more walking and strength training. These changes yielded some good results: greater muscle mass and strength, but unremarkable changes in Sheryl's appearance. Jason then suggested the next most logical thing: reducing carbohydrates. This change worked for a while, and then it didn't, and so they kept tweaking. They checked Sheryl was eating enough food and getting enough sleep (she was). Despite small victories, Sheryl was still stuck. The questions and answers that arose from the experimentation process would eventually lead to what I would describe as a cyclical ketogenic diet that enabled Sheryl to lose five inches in her waist in just six weeks (pictured on the right).
Sheryl is not alone, and at the time of writing the AltShift Facebook group has a happy 3,929 members.
The Fat Loss Directive (subscribe to receive your copy)
BOOK: Brain Rules
The AltShift Diet Facebook Community
@JasonSeib on Periscope
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