UCAN Superstarch with Seth Bronheim

June 1, 2014

UCAN Superstarch has been an extraordinary tool that allowed me to make the transition from sugar burning age grouper to ketogenic pro. Registered Dietitian and Director of Nutrition at UCAN Seth Bronheim explains why Superstarch works so well and why it’s not just for athletes.

[00:00:33] UCAN Superstarch is a high molecular weight non GMO cornstarch

[00:00:57] Peter Attia's presentation

[00:01:26] I found UCAN as a partial solution for pre-diabetes

[00:01:49] Initially a gram for gram replacement for maltodextrin

[00:02:15] Genova Diagnostics Organix Profile

[00:02:18] Carnitine deficiency

[00:03:00] UCAN is a carbohydrate that doesn't knock me out of ketosis

[00:03:20] Who can benefit from UCAN

[00:03:42] Slow heat elongates the carbohydrate

[00:04:03] UCAN is actually a food not a supplement

[00:04:27] Originally developed as a solution for glycogen storage disease

[00:04:49] UCAN requires less of an insulin response

[00:05:03] Also great for people that can't stop to eat

[00:05:20] Insulin controls adiposity and high levels block fat burning

[00:06:01] UCAN works for anyone trying to stabilize blood sugar

[00:06:22] Adrenal Stress Profile test for cortisol

[00:06:57] The brain doesn't need carbohydrate in the amounts commonly found in food

[00:08:27] There's no food that provide carbohydrate in the form found in UCAN

[00:09:04] Fructose is low glycemic but cannot provide the sustained release of carbohydrate

[00:10:21] High protein diets lack an energy source

[00:11:22] UCAN was a key component to my transition to being a fat burner

[00:11:41] What foods work best with UCAN?

[00:13:13] UCAN smoothie with coconut oil and whey protein isolate

[00:14:50] All is not lost even with high carbohydrate foods

[00:15:28] Bacon and eggs is a great choice of breakfast but the whey smoothie could be great for travelling

[00:16:21] Large molecules move through the stomach very quickly

[00:16:39] Tropical Orange UCAN as an alternative to orange juice

[00:18:01] Is the UCAN business model flawed?

[00:18:28] UCAN becomes more effective over time

[00:19:15] If you're not in ketosis you must have a source of glucose

[00:19:37] Higher intensities still require glucose

[00:21:33] Finding something that works and then taking it to the extreme

[00:22:13] The upper limits of dose

[00:22:33] For 60 to 90 minutes, 1 - 2 scoops. For longer than 120 minutes, 1 scoop every 90 minutes

[00:23:24] Ironman athletes can use 11 packets!

[00:24:02] The trick is to figure out your need in training

[00:24:18] 1 scoop per hour for 6 hours gave me horrendous gas, but hey that's just me!

[00:25:31] Artificial sweeteners and insulin

[00:25:53] There's a small amount of artificial sweetener in UCAN but they're moving towards natural sweetener

[00:26:29] Insulinogenic effect is negligible at these low doses

[00:26:48] UCAN started with sports teams

[00:27:18] No sugar based sports drink claims mental clarity as a potential benefit

[00:27:43] Lifetime Fitness

[00:28:11] An alternative to desk draw snacking

[00:28:36] What is it about coffee?

[00:29:58] Great for personal trainers

[00:30:32] UCAN and ketogenic diets

[00:31:44] UCAN is a great tool for transitioning to a ketogenic diet

[00:32:28] Going really slow saved me the deleterious effects of the keto adaptation phase

[00:33:03] Corn and secretory IgA testing

[00:34:10] If you have a known allergy to corn, UCAN might not be for you

[00:34:27] Often it's the GMO that causes trouble

[00:34:47] I know I'm sensitive to corn but UCAN is fine

[00:35:10] Pays to be cautious

[00:35:47] Remove all the potential triggers and then experiment

[00:36:36] Sipping or one serving all at once is fine

[00:38:07] UCAN electrolyte mix

[00:38:41] Ketogenic diets tend towards electrolyte depletion

[00:38:59] Storing UCAN

[00:39:26] Hydrapak SoftFlask

[00:39:38] Only the plain UCAN separates

[00:40:28] Just bring the packets on longer rides

[00:40:47] Limitations of UCAN

[00:41:59] Mixing UCAN with Bulletproof MCT oil

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