Nov. 29, 2016
Worried you might be starting your baby off on the wrong foot by weaning onto all the foods that ended up causing you so much trouble? Are you tired (or frightened) of stick blenders, ice cub trays and sippy cups? Are your instincts telling you "there must be a better way to wean"? The minimalist approach to baby-led weaning Cara and Julia discuss in this interview is both simple and effective, listen in and then send us your questions!
[00:00:18] Both Julia and Cara have been through the paleo baby weaning process.
[00:00:53] Cara, like me, has had her own personal health issues that were resolved by a paleo-type diet.
[00:01:44] Cara's older son Wills was weaned in the usual way (onto cereal grains).
[00:02:36] Wills also ended up with GI issues.
[00:02:58] Cara was sure she wanted to do things differently with her youngest daughter, Maisie.
[00:04:02] Baby-led weaning.
[00:04:15] Avoiding exposure you things you'd rather they didn't develop a palette for.
[00:04:43] Babies shouldn't need special food.
[00:05:39] Creating problems for yourself.
[00:06:00] Confidence and being different.
[00:06:27] Cara is able to get her own way at home when it comes to food.
[00:07:23] Julie initially looked to The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care.
[00:08:16] Trading one dogma for another.
[00:08:29] Trust your instincts.
[00:09:37] The NT book was way too regimented.
[00:09:55] Julia waited until Ivy was sitting upright.
[00:10:24] Letting baby use their gums.
[00:11:37] Cara thought Maisie would be ready for food at 6 months, not so.
[00:12:40] Ivy was properly eating food at 8-10 months.
[00:13:12] You shouldn't need to prop them up for feeding.
[00:13:43] Introducing something other than sweet.
[00:14:04] The window of opportunity,
[00:14:23] Ivy started eating whole fruit age 2-3 years.
[00:15:02] Ivy loved holding things, e.g. a lamb chop bone.
[00:16:02] Gagging vs choking.
[00:17:18] Maisie got really good at "gagging food forward".
[00:19:50] Pre chewing food at 8-9 months.
[00:21:25] Wild Planet Wild Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
[00:21:32] US Wellness Meats. We particularly enjoy their liverwurst, braunschweiger, head cheese and pemmican.
[00:22:12] Pre chewing donates digestive enzymes.
[00:23:40] Maisie loves meat, loved pre chewed food.
[00:24:30] Could the absence of meat early cause aversions later?
[00:27:05] Simplifying things in the kitchen.
[00:28:04] Real food negates the need to worry about excess salt.
[00:29:36] Looking for the most nutrient dense foods possible.
[00:29:57] Special "stuff" for parents.
[00:30:57] Skip the mesh things, they're too hard to clean.
[00:31:22] Breast feeding is as easy as it gets, bottles and pumping are hard.
[00:32:06] No sippy cups.
[00:32:21] Klean Kanteen.
[00:32:42] Throwing out the daily schedule to reduce stress.
[00:34:13] Eating larger meals less frequently with a lot of fat.
[00:34:58] Eating for sustained energy and stable blood sugar.
[00:35:27] Ivy tended towards a 4-day cycle, eating more some days, less on others.
[00:36:05] Don't force feed.
[00:36:28] The importance of mindfulness.
[00:38:17] Emotional attachment to food.
[00:38:47] It Starts With Food (but doesn't end with food)
[00:39:53] Try not to project your own wants or needs onto the child.
[00:40:51] Surviving birthday parties.
[00:41:53] Not using treats as a tool.
[00:42:22] Gluten-free products.
[00:44:11] Cara tries to make light of the inevitable slip ups.
[00:44:50] The more you say don't eat that, the more they want it.
[00:46:39] Being reminded of the mistakes of the past.
[00:47:19] Laying the foundation early.
[00:47:53] The goal of a healing diet is the reintroductions.
[00:49:15] Not everything your paediatrician says has to happen.
[00:49:56] Real food Mamas podcast.
[00:50:06] Babies by science part I and Vaccines with Dr Tommy Wood.
[00:50:32] Avoiding egg white and nuts early.
[00:50:55] Our babies like good dark chocolate.
[00:51:22] Avacado.
[00:52:00] Squash and yam.
[00:52:10] Homemade jerky.
[00:52:30] Maisie loves fruit.
[00:52:51] Grain-, Gluten-, and Guilt-Free Pancakes by Chris Kresser.
[00:53:53] Ivy doesn't like things too sweet now.
[00:54:26] Root vegetables, winter squash cooked in bone broth.
[00:55:22] Ivy likes liver.
[00:55:41] Maisie likes salmon and venison.
[00:56:15] Salad bowl with sardines, mixed leaves capers, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, Seasnax.
[00:57:17] Kids in restaurants.
[00:57:40] Food culture is not the best in WI.
[00:58:22] Eating in a nice restaurant is easier when your kid doesn't like chicken tenders.
[00:58:58] Send us your questions!
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