How to Transition to a Paleo Diet

Written by Laura Rockow

May 30, 2014

In the last couple years, I’ve been coaching friends, family and complete strangers to transition from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to an ancestral way of eating real food called Paleo.  Simply put, it’s organic food without a bar code.  Emphasis is on:  organic vegetables; clean, pastured meat from animals who are raised in a sustainable way and fed a biologically correct diet; wild fish, some organic fruit, some nuts, and some seeds. This is essentially a high fat, low to medium carbohydrate diet.  There’s an emphasis on eating healthy fats and avoiding processed seed oils. The main goal is to abandon processed factory food.  Paleo is about eating food in it’s most natural, unprocessed state, prepared simply.  It’s a way of life, not a diet.  It’s for the long-haul, not the short term, not for quick results or simply to drop some weight - it’s the most nutrient dense way to eat for maximum nutrition and optimal health.  It’s an anti-inflammatory diet.  It’s a diet that will balance your hormones and keep your blood glucose low and steady.  This is a lifestyle for vitality.  


You can read more about how I shop for maintaining this lifestyle with a big family here:


To get started, I  always recommend this book:  


I encourage you to read the reviews of this book and then buy it.  This book will set you off on a 30 day (whole30) reset to change your relationship with food.  If you are in a hurry and want to start quickly before the book arrives, I suggest going to the blog (link below) of the authors of “It Starts with Food” and at a minimum, read their Manifesto Series because it quickly explains the WHY of the foods we eliminate living a Paleo lifestyle. You can read each manifesto here:

The website is full of information on this lifestyle.  And their wonderful page called “Stuff We Like” is full of resources to help everyone find what they need to succeed, including other great books that offer similar information on how to implement this new way of life.  Remember:  As Sarah Ballantyne of always says:  “It’s only hard until it’s routine.”


If you need personal assistance on this transition, please feel free to contact us a  We’ll be happy to coach you all the way to wellness.

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