Nutritional Ketosis and Guided Behavior Change to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes [transcript]

[0:00:00]     Chris:    Dr. McCarter, thank you so much for joining me this morning. I’m very excited to talk to you about the results of your new two-year trial of a novel remote care intervention including nutritional ketosis, so the management of Type 2 Diabetes, a two-year non-randomized clinical trial....

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NBT People: Mark Alexander [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello, and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast broadcasting in glorious mono from my Bonnie Doon studio. I am here with a recent graduate of our Elite Performance Program. It's Mark Alexander. He is an electronics engineer currently living in San Francisco. Mark was just telling me...

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How to Optimise Nutrition for Postpartum Recovery [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Well, Lily, thank you so much for joining us this morning. We very much appreciate you making the time, especially as you're so close to having your next baby. Tell us about that. How's it been going? How's your pregnancy been going?  Lily:    Luckily, my pregnancy is uneventful,...

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Movement Analysis and Breathing Strategies for Pain Relief and Improved Performance [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    I first became aware of your work when I was in Costa Rica with Tommy and Megan and the rest of the crew. We were interviewing Ben House, so I know you know. Ben said there is a physical therapist that can do better work than most regular...

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How to Live Well in a High Tech World [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Well, Cal, thank you so much for hosting me here. Where are we, Washington DC? Cal:    Washington DC, yeah.  Christopher:    Man, this is very exciting for me to fly all the way from Santa Cruz on the West Coast to Washington DC on the East Coast to do...

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Nudge Tactics for Performance and Health

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Well, Simon, thank you so much for joining me this morning. I am very excited about your new training course, Nudge Tactics for Health Coaching: A Health and Wellness Coach's Guide to the Science of Behavioral Economics. That's a very grandiose title, Simon. Simon:    It is, isn't it,...

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How to Treat Hashimoto’s using the Autoimmune Protocol [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Dr. Abbott, thank you so much for joining me this morning. I very much appreciate you. Rob:    Oh, thank you for having me back. I always feel lucky. I've been on a couple of podcasts now, a second or third time, and it's like I'm either tricking them...

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Life at the Extremes: Fueling World-class Performance with a Carnivore Diet [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Well, Dr. Baker, thank you so much for joining me this morning. I very much appreciate you. Shawn:    Christopher, my pleasure. I think Paul Saladino connected us. Paul is a good guy. He's a good friend of mine and it's good just to continue the discourse. Christopher:    That's...

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A Consumer’s Guide to Integrative Medicine [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Well, Dr. Gerstmar, thank you so much for joining me this morning. It's a pleasure to have you back. I think this is the third time you've been on the NBT podcast. Tim:    Yeah, I think this is number three. I appreciate it. Obviously, you find my conversation...

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How to Harness Productive Passion and Avoid Burnout [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Brad, thank you so much for joining me here today in rainy Oakland. What is up with that? It's May and we got rain in California. I think I'm going back to London. Brad:    Oh no, don't leave so fast. Christopher:    I really appreciate you having me here...

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NBT People: Graeme Muirhead [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Well, Graeme, thank you so much for joining me this morning. I very much appreciate that. Graeme:    Oh, no, thank you very much for having me on. Christopher:    I'm very excited to investigate your story. My questions are going to be genuine. Graeme:    Okay. Christopher:    Graeme has been...

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The Science and Practice of Training Elite Road Cyclists [transcript]

[0:00:00] Simon:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Dr. Simon Marshall. I'm the performance psychologist for MBT. I've been a guest on the show a few times talking about all things mindset related but not today. Today, I'm the guest host of the podcast....

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